The HubIT Expert Workshop in Rome, hosted by the Link Campus University as one of the scientific coordinators of the project, constitutes the first step of several collaborative joint initiatives engaging external experts in the validation of the HubIT outcomes.
Focused on the validation of the initial Framework Model Concept Idea, the HubIT, funded by the Horizon2020, was supported by around 30 international experts from various disciplines. During the Workshop, the limits and the boundaries of the current definition of the tools included in the FM were addressed and relevant adjustments and improvements were proposed by the participants.
Background and purpose of the HubIT project
The HubIT project aims to build a Hub to activate and improve constructive and co-creative interactions between Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), and ICT disciplines by implementing real collaborations between ICT developers and SSH researches. The aim is to ensure that the Horizon2020 ICT-related innovation is responsible, inclusive and aimed at reversing inequalities.
The project, leaded by CIVITTA (Estonia) is supported by 14 European partners, highly skilled in the definition of innovation methodologies and impact measurement.
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) implies the engagement of civil society in the research and innovation process, ensuring the alignment with the six main policies: ethics, gender balance, governance, open access, public engagement, scientific education.
The SSH-RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation – Social Sciences and Humanities) approach is acknowledged within the European Union research and innovation efforts as a method for mainstreaming SSH research across all topics of H2020 aiming at ICT-related research and innovation.
Within this context, the HubIT intends to build a Hub activating and improving constructive and co-creative interactions between SSH and ICT .
For achieving the objectives, HubIT will deliver the following activities:
- Establishment of the European Framework Model for responsible ICT innovation;
- Engage and broaden the European community
- Facilitate practical collaborations and experimental activities, in order to foster new responsible ICT ideas enriched with SSH and to stimulate reflection on cutting-edge issues.
- Establish evidence base for R&I policies measured by key success indicators.
- Provide stakeholders at European and International level, with information concerning HubIT activities, events and achievements