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Via del Casale di San Pio V, 44 - 00165 Roma

The future of museum professionals in the digital era

Read the programme:

10.00–10.20 Opening Speeches | Achilles Kameas (HOU), Tere Badia (CAE)

10.20–10.40 Keynote speech | Julia Pagel (NEMO – European Network of Museum Organisations)

10.40– 10.55  | Q&A Session

11.00 – 12.10 | The Success of the Musa project:

Mu.SA Project Overview | Achilles Kameas and Spiros Borotis (HOU)

Emerging Job Profiles for Museum Professionals | Antonia Silvaggi (MeltingPro)

Mu.SA Methodology | Panagiota Polymeropoulou (HOU)

Mu.SA MOOC | Paula Menino Homem (University of Porto)

Mu.SA Blended Training Courses | Eleni Damianou (AKMI),

Mu.SA Evaluation | Massimiliano Dibitonto (Link Campus University)

Mu.SA Quality Assurance | Ivo Oosterbeek (Mapa das Ideias)

12.10-12.30 | Q&A

12.30-13.00 | BREAK

13.00 – 13.45 | The Future of Museum Professionals in the Digital Era

Alexandre Matos (ICOM Portugal), Philippos Mazarakis-Ainian (ICOM Greece), Romina Surace (Symbola), Leena Tokila (ICTOP) moderated by Margherita Sani (IBACN)

13.45-14.00 | Q&A and Wrap-Up

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