Sistema Integrato per il Monitoraggio delle
Infrastrutture Critiche attraverso Operational Modal
Analysis e Smart Damage Detection con algoritmi di AI
Intelligenza Artificiale
Ai4CUAV – Innovative AI-framework to enable the detection, classification and tracking of killer-
L’approccio dell’UE alle minacce sanitarie transfrontaliere.
Esplorare il ruolo dell’UE come attore regionale e globale della sanità pubblica.
By Ufficio Ricerca Anno Avvio 2023 Erasmus+ In corso Jean Monnet Tecnologie Digitali ed Emergenti
Building Trust in Human Centric Artificial Intelligence
Positive RObust PEd Localities Development of innovative PEDs in systems of city-district systems - a transnational comparative study
Frugal and Robust Ai for Defence Advanced Intelligence
Energy MAnagement CONTROL
Wide InTegration of sensor Networks to Enable Smart Surveillance
Control of Team of Mini-UAVs to Support Counter-Terrorism Missions